Mentos and Soda Fountain: Unleashing the Science Behind the Fizzy Eruption

👇Answer copy for the Mentos and Soda Fountain worksheet in the end👇 


Have you ever wondered what happens when you drop Mentos candies into a bottle of soda? The result is a spectacular eruption of fizz and foam, creating a soda fountain-like display. This simple experiment has captivated the curiosity of countless individuals and become a favorite science activity for kids and adults alike. In this blog post, we will delve into the science behind the Mentos and soda reaction and explore the factors that make it so explosive.

The Ingredients:

To perform the Mentos and soda experiment, you'll need just a few items:

- A bottle of soda (carbonated beverage)

- Mentos candies (the mint-flavored ones work best)

- A wide-open space or outdoor area

- Safety goggles (optional but recommended)

- A camera or smartphone (optional, for capturing the exciting reaction)

The Setup:

Choose a suitable location outdoors or in a spacious area. It's important to conduct the experiment in a safe environment, away from valuable objects or people who could be affected by the fizzy eruption. Put on safety goggles to protect your eyes from any potential splashes.

The Experiment:

1. Open the bottle of soda and place it on a flat surface.

2. Take a few Mentos candies and hold them together in your hand.

3. Carefully drop the Mentos candies into the bottle of soda all at once.

4. Step back immediately to a safe distance and prepare to witness the thrilling reaction.

The Reaction:

As soon as the Mentos candies make contact with the soda, a rapid and dramatic reaction takes place. The soda erupts with an impressive display of fizz, shooting up like a fountain and creating a foamy explosion. But what exactly is happening behind this captivating phenomenon?

The Science Behind It:

The primary cause of the Mentos and soda reaction lies in the interaction between the rough surface of the Mentos candies and the carbon dioxide (CO2) gas dissolved in the soda. Carbonated beverages, such as soda, contain a significant amount of dissolved carbon dioxide, which gives them their characteristic fizz.

When the Mentos candies are dropped into the soda, they provide a surface covered in countless tiny nooks and crannies. These microscopic irregularities on the candy's surface serve as nucleation sites, where the carbon dioxide gas molecules can rapidly form bubbles. The rough surface of the Mentos acts as a catalyst for the release of the gas.

The release of carbon dioxide from the soda occurs due to a process called nucleation. The dissolved carbon dioxide molecules in the soda attach themselves to the surface of the Mentos candies, forming a multitude of bubbles. As more and more bubbles form, they quickly rise to the surface, causing a chain reaction that leads to the fizzing eruption.

The rough texture of Mentos candies provides an incredibly high surface area, enabling the rapid formation of bubbles. In addition, the candies are coated with a layer of gelatin and sugar, which helps to create an even greater number of bubbles.

The reaction happens swiftly because Mentos candies are dense and sink quickly to the bottom of the bottle. This results in a concentrated release of carbon dioxide at the base, leading to a powerful eruption that propels the soda upwards.


The Mentos and soda experiment is a fascinating demonstration of nucleation and the physical properties of carbonated beverages. By dropping Mentos candies into a bottle of soda, you unleash a frenzy of gas bubbles, resulting in a captivating and explosive display of fizz and foam.

This experiment not only provides a thrilling visual experience but also serves as an excellent opportunity to explore scientific concepts such as nucleation, surface area, and gas solubility. It's a fantastic way to engage in hands-on science and spark curiosity about the world


 Answer copy for the Mentos and Soda Fountain worksheet

Title: Mentos and Soda Fountain Experiment


1. Gather the following materials:

   - A bottle of soda (any carbonated beverage)

   - Mentos candies

   - A wide-open space or outdoor area

   - Safety goggles (optional but recommended)

   - A camera or smartphone (optional, for recording observations)

2. Predict what will happen when Mentos candies are dropped into the bottle of soda. Write down your prediction below:

Prediction: I think that when I drop the Mentos candies into the soda, it will cause a big fizz and maybe even a fountain-like eruption.

3. Find a suitable location outdoors or in a wide-open space. Make sure there are no valuable objects or people nearby.

4. Put on safety goggles to protect your eyes.

5. Open the bottle of soda and place it on a flat surface.

6. Take a few Mentos candies and hold them together in your hand.

7. Carefully drop the Mentos candies into the bottle of soda all at once. Step back immediately to a safe distance.

8. Observe the reaction and describe what you see. You can use words and/or drawings to record your observations.

Observations: When I dropped the Mentos candies into the soda, there was an immediate and powerful fizzy eruption. It created a foamy fountain that shot up several inches from the bottle. The fizz continued for a while before gradually settling down.

9. How would you describe the reaction between the Mentos candies and the soda? Write down your answer:

Reaction Description: The reaction between the Mentos candies and the soda was explosive and fizzy. It created a lot of foam and caused the soda to shoot up like a fountain.

10. Why do you think this reaction occurs? Write down your explanation:

Explanation: I think this reaction occurs because the Mentos candies have a rough surface that provides a lot of tiny nooks and crannies. These surfaces help to create a lot of bubbles when the carbon dioxide gas in the soda attaches to them. When the candies are dropped into the soda, the gas is rapidly released, causing the fizz and the foamy eruption.

11. (Optional) If you have a camera or smartphone, record a video of the Mentos and soda reaction. Share your video with the group or save it for future reference.

12. Clean up the area and dispose of the used soda bottle and Mentos wrappers properly.


Reflect on your predictions, observations, and explanations. Was your prediction accurate? What did you learn from this experiment?

Prediction Reflection: My prediction was accurate. The Mentos and soda reaction caused a fizzy eruption and a fountain-like effect.

Observation Reflection: The observation of the foamy eruption was exciting and exceeded my expectations. It was really cool to see how quickly and forcefully the reaction occurred.

Learning Reflection: I learned that the surface of the Mentos candies plays a significant role in the reaction. The experiment showed me how carbon dioxide gas can rapidly escape from the soda when it comes in contact with the rough surface of the candies.

Note: Ensure adult supervision and follow all safety guidelines when conducting this experiment.