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Physics Class 9 Practical 21 Important Viva Questions with Answers (specific heat of fusion of ice)

   PRACTICAL 21 To measure the specific heat of fusion of ice VIVA VOCE 1.What is specific heat of fusion? The specific heat of fusion is the amount of heat energy required to change 1 gram of a substance from solid to liquid at its melting point without changing its temperature. 2. Why is it important to measure the specific heat of fusion of ice? Measuring the specific heat of fusion of ice is important for understanding thermal properties of substances, which has applications in fields like meteorology, climate science, and engineering. 3.What apparatus and materials are required for this experiment? The experiment requires a calorimeter, a thermometer, ice, water, a balance, and a stirrer. 4. Can you explain the principle behind this experiment? The principle is based on the conservation of energy. The heat lost by the warm water is equal to the heat gained by the melting ice plus the heat required to raise the temperature of the melted ice to the final temperature. 5. How do you e